Ann and her friend of nearly 30 years Viv use our Time out Together service which presents a social evening where people with dementia, and their carers and families, can come together and enjoy live entertainment, with the opportunity to speak to other people who understand what they are going through.  It is also an informal environment where worries and problems can be shared and eased.  Our highly trained staff and knowledgeable volunteers are on hand to offer help support and advice.

Friends since teenagers, they have lived together for a number of years.  A few years ago Ann had a stroke and later started getting memory problems. Viv took her to the doctors where she was referred to the memory assessment team and assessed. One year later, Ann was officially diagnosed with having Alzheimer’s. 

The community nurse provided some information to Viv and that literature included Guild Care leaflets this was the first step on their journey with the charity.  

It’s a relief having the Guild Care’s services because I enjoy going out alone, and it gives me a break. I drive but Ann can’t walk very far so it’s really nice to go out unaccompanied sometimes. It is sad for me to have seen her decline over the years and am really happy that she so enjoys her time at the Bradbury Centre. Ann comes to the Bradbury centre twice a week and I think 2 days respite is enough for more. We do enjoy each other’s company, and we do go out a lot. Just recently I took Ann out in the car and we went on a tour of all the places we used to go together. She didn’t remember many of the places, but she really enjoyed just getting out. Viv

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