Worthing Scope performs Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 12th September On Monday 3rd September service users at Worthing Scope’s Fitzalan Howard Centre put on a production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for friends, family, and staff. The actors were Fitzalan clients who attend the “Blah Blah” drama group, which meets every Monday to rehearse. The play was organised by Darren Claydon and Attila Kalman, the drama instructors at the Fitzalan Howard Centre. The drama group has been running at Fitzalan for over nine years, doing one show in the summer and a pantomime at Christmas every year. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was chosen as 2018’s summer play as it has a fun and entertaining story. As well as friends, family, and staff, Bob Smytherman, Tarring County Councillor, was in attendance. Smytherman said, “As local Councillor for Tarring and a Guild Care member it is always an absolute privilege to attend the performances from the ‘Blah Blah’ group. This summer’s performance of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was once again another outstanding show put on by Darren and the group. As usual the highlight was the audience participation, singing along to the well-known songs from the classic film which is one of my personal favourites.” The “Blah Blah” drama group have already started rehearsing their Christmas pantomime in time for the show in December! !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->