Fitzalan Howard Centre puts on performance of Oliver 2nd August 2019 On Monday 29th July service users at out Fitzalan Howard Centre performed Oliver for 40 friends, family, staff and the Mayor of Worthing. The performance was put on by the “Blah Blah” drama group. The group, made up of Fitzalan Howard Centre service users, has been running for over ten years. They put on one show in the summer and a pantomime at Christmas every year. Guild Care’s Fitzalan Howard Centre provides day and respite services for adults with disabilities and more complex needs. The centre helps up to 36 adults with learning disabilities or additional needs from Monday to Friday. Danielle Abbiss, Deputy Manager of the centre, said, “The drama group work very hard throughout the year learning new plays and having to remember lines. They also work hard in their art sessions making the props that they need for the show. It’s lovely to see so many people come and support the drama show and the clients really look forward to it.” !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->