Guild Care offering free entry to Brighton Marathon 1st February 2019 The popular Brighton Marathon is back on Sunday 14th April and public places for the race have already been taken. However, local charity Guild Care is offering a number of places for free entry with a pledge to raise a minimum sponsorship of £395 when you run for the charity. Lee Gulliver, a member of the Guild Care’s Maintenance Team, is running on behalf of charity. Asked why he’s taking part, Lee said, “I run for my well-being, to help with anxiety and depression as well as keeping fit and just enjoying it! I’ve decided to run the Worthing Half Marathon for Guild Care because I want to help them support local adults and children in need.” So don your running shorts and shoes and help raise money to support local children and adults in the community. Sponsorship of £20 could pay for four children to go swimming at Guild Care’s Ashdown Centre for children and young adults with disabilities, or £190 could afford a week’s worth of fun and stimulating activity sessions for users of their Bradbury Centre who are living with dementia, whilst giving their carers a much-needed break. If you would like to run for Guild Care contact the Fundraising Team on 01903 528613 or complete the form here. !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->