Guild Care receives generous donations to help with coronavirus efforts 16th April 2020 We have received generous donations from local companies and members of our community that will help us continue our vital work in the face of the Coronavirus. Although we have suspended many of our services in line with government guidelines, our three care homes and Home Care service are still running, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in the community. 7thSense Design, a West Sussex based supplier of media servers, donated a large number of face masks. They were dropped off at our charity’s headquarters by Tim Loughton MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, who put the us in touch. Matt Barton, 7thSense’s CEO, said: “Our partners at Wincomn Technology in China generously sent us a large quantity of masks to assist in the fight against Covid-19. As a company, we are in the fortunate position that nearly all of our staff have been able to continue working full-time from home and therefore already social distancing. We felt that the masks we received should be made available to those on the front line who are doing such great work during this difficult time.” Tim Loughton MP dropping off masks donated by 7thSense Design at Methold House Highdown Car Audio & Security, an award winning in-car entertainment and security company based in Worthing, manufactured and donated 40 plastic visors to our Caer Gwent care home. A member of Guild Care staff at Caer Gwent wearing one of the visors donated by Highdown Car Audio & Security Donations have also been made by members of the community. For example, Emma and Sharon Davidson donated 18 homemade cotton facemasks which will be made available to our clients or staff who are doing personal shopping. Fabric face masks donated by Emma and Sharon Davidson Our CEO, Suzanne Millard, said: “We couldn’t be more grateful to the companies and the people in our community that have helped us during this difficult time. Thank you for supporting our charity, staff and residents.” !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->