Guild Care supporters present £11,069 cheque 5th September Derek Steel and Peter Kennard, local businessmen and Guild Care supporters, came to Methold House last week for a £11,069 cheque presentation. Derek and Peter, of Jacobs Steel and HD Tribe respectively, raised this impressive amount from two events. The first was the 12th annual Not New Year’s Eve Ball at Worthing Golf Club, at which 120 people enjoyed a three-course dinner, fundraising auction, casino and music, raising over £5,000. The second was a St George’s Day luncheon at the Ardington Hotel in Worthing. A record 137 people attended, including special guest Paul Merson, former Arsenal and England footballer. Derek said, “As a local businessman, I wanted to give something back and I’ve really enjoyed getting involved with the charity, as well as organising my own events, too, with Peter, raising much-needed funds.” !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->