The Fitzalan Howard Centre sends activity packs to shielding members to tackle isolation 20th November, 2020 Our Fitzalan Howard Centre is providing activity packs to shielding members to help tackle isolation and boredom faced in the second lockdown. The Fitzalan Howard Centre provides day and respite services for adults with disabilities and more complex needs. Following new government guidelines, some members who had not initially been in the ‘critically vulnerable group’ found they now had to shield and could no longer attend the centre. Our charity is now providing creative activity packs to members, filled with a selection of arts and crafts and exercise books, which will be safely delivered to their homes to keep them active and ensure they continue to feel a part of the close-knit group. It is vital that our charity continues to support vulnerable members through this lockdown. They have been feeling frustrated and bored at home, having only just been able to return to the centre a few months ago. Laura, a Fitzalan Howard Centre members, using her activity pack at home Members have been delighted with their packs and were pleased they had something fun to do at home, with parents even phoning to express their gratitude for the kind gesture. Darren Claydon, Activities Co-ordinator, said: “It’s very important to send these packs to our members so that they feel a part of the day centre and know that we are thinking of them and to help keep them active during this tricky time. “Our shielding members did brilliantly returning to Fitzalan after the first lockdown and were benefiting a great deal, both mentally and physically, from being a part of the group again. It's crucial that we stay in contact and reassure them that they will be back with us soon.” We are hoping to start visiting shielding members in their homes for one-to-one support soon, to better facilitate their needs. For more information about our learning disability services for adults, please visit this page: !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->