Susie has been coming to our Fitzalan Howard Centre, which provides day and respite services for adults with disabilities, for just over four years. She was kind enough to write a piece about how our charity and Fitzalan support her.

Guild Care and its Fitzalan day centre have been a lifeline to me. 

Before coming to Fitzalan, I was feeling low and unmotivated. I needed to challenge myself but didn’t know how.

I then found Fitzalan.

Fitzalan has helped my mental health tremendously. I have been able to integrate with people my own age. I love taking part in cooking games and art.

I started coming to the centre on Fridays. After about a year I decided to extend it to a Wednesday as well. I have come out of my shell so much: from a quiet shy young lady to someone with a lot to say!

I have also done a sponsored cycle to raise money for guidance. This was the equivalent of a marathon over a month on a static bike. I am proud to have raised £849 for the charity.

I also have helped with interviews for new staff. I feel that I have been able to see past my disability and don’t want to go home!

Please, please continue to support Fitzalan and other Guild Care services. It is not only a lifeline to me but fellow clients and parents and carers alike.

Donate to Guild Care today to support people like Susie to live well, enjoy life, and love every day.

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