Integrity lies at the heart of Caer Gwent When Jamsheela joined leading social care charity, Guild Care, as a Care Assistant in 2023, her caring talents and nursing background were soon recognised by residents and staff. In April this year, she was promoted to the position of Care Supervisor at the luxury residential care home in Worthing, Caer Gwent.“I’m a nurse by profession having trained in India,” said Jamsheela. “It was my dream to come to the UK, so I applied to different care homes and received several options before choosing Guild Care.“Guild Care was impressive from the start. I could see from their website and their core beliefs that this was the most professional organisation. Even after I joined, I notice that everyone lives up to those values in all we do here at Caer Gwent. Whenever I talk to my friends and family, I can tell them about our values and how we live and work by them.” Jamsheela, Care Supervisor at Caer Gwent Guild Care’s beliefs and values are apparent throughout not just Caer Gwent but the whole charity which provides a diverse range of services for older people, people living with dementia and children & adults with learning disabilities. Of Guild Care’s six core beliefs (brave, engaging, loving, integrity, everyone matters and free to be me), Jamsheela’s favourite is ‘Integrity’ and this has been apparent throughout her time at Caer Gwent. “Each individual resident is unique, so I help to make sure that every person is provided with care that meets their individual needs. This way, people always feel like they’re living in their own home, but together we also retain a team spirit. “When people are comfortable here at Caer Gwent, it makes life happier in their later years. Even a smile and just a ‘hi’ or ‘good morning’ makes a difference and can brighten someone’s day. Good communication is so important. And if they need any help for personal needs or food, we’re right there beside them.”As a Care Supervisor at Caer Gwent, Jamesheela brings her former nursing experience to benefit her caring role. Jamsheela with Brenda, one of the residents at Caer Gwent “I look at all our residents as if they were my grandparents, which is a very special and happy relationship. I like everything about my role,” she says. “I’m always looking for something new to improve because I want everything to be as perfect as it can be because I’m professional. “But the best part of my job is having a chat with our residents. Each person has so many memories to share and I like to hear them talk so I can understand more about their lives. I’m ready to listen.”For more information about moving to Caer Gwent, which is set in a quiet residential area of Worthing, visit Caer Gwent | Guild Care or contact the friendly team on 01903 327327 or email [email protected]. !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->