Random Acts of Kindness grace the halls of our Worthing care home thanks to local social action project 15th September 2021 One of our care homes in Worthing has experienced a Random Act of Kindness from a social action project which has been gracing the community with beautiful gifts. Last month, Haviland House, our dementia care home based in Goring, was gifted with lovely letters alongside some homemade flowers to show the elderly community that they are loved, remembered and appreciated. The NCS programme is a two week initiative run for 15-17 year olds over the summer. Within those two weeks, teenagers help focus on solving problems in the community with a social action project in which one group decided to aim towards the elderly. Eileen Garbutt, Wellbeing Coordinator at Guild Care said: “I truly can’t thank the NCS team enough. This is such a lovely project filled with wonderful and kind young adults. Our residents were very moved by the words of encouragement, love and gratitude from all those involved. It just goes to show what a little bit of kindness can do to someone.” One resident at Haviland House said: “What a kind gesture and to know what we have done in the past has made a difference to them now is great.” Located in the West Sussex seaside town of Worthing, at the foot of the South Downs. Haviland House is just a stone’s throw from Brighton and 90 minutes from London by train. For more information on about Haviland House or would like to arrange a visit on behalf of a loved one, call our friendly Customer Service Team on 01903 327327 or visit - https://www.guildcare.org/dementia-care-home-haviland-house !-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->